
Category Archives: Blog

What’s your type of acne? And what your acne telling you.

What's your type of acne? And what your acne telling you. 3

According to Traditional Chinese medicine, acne indicates weakness or toxicity on a certain part of the body. There are also certain beliefs that associate acne with health anomalies. If you have acne and already finds it bothersome, youā€™ll want to get rid of it even more once you learn the reason behind it. Hereā€™s a […]

What is microcurrent therapy?

What is microcurrent therapy? 4

Today, let’s talk a little bit about microcurrent therapy. What is it? Microcurrent is a low-level current that mimics the body’s natural current and can provide both instant and cumulative anti-aging results. These currents are very low, from 10 to 600 Ī¼A, with a frequency of 0.1 to 300 Hz, they influence on the skin […]

Positive impact of oils on our skin

Positive impact of oils on our skin 5

Composition and properties of cosmetic oil A moisturizing cosmetic that we use contain compositions of vegetable and essential oils. Vegetable cosmetic oils are obtained from plants by cold or hot pressing. Most often, such oils as olive, sunflower, corn, peach, soy, grape seed, jojoba, coconut are used in cosmetic formulas. In addition to fatty acids, […]

How to care for the skin on your neck at any age?

How to care for the skin on your neck at any age? 6

Quality of the skin on your neck is important as much as a skin on your face because your neck is almost always in sight of another person. Unfortunately, while we are young and beautiful, condition of the skin in our neck does not concern us. But if we ignore the care for it, then […]

What are LED Light Therapy and how do they work?

What are LED Light Therapy and how do they work? 7

What are LED Light Therapy and how do they work? Nowadays cosmetic brands look towards LED-technology, which restore the skin due to exposure to light. This technology was developed by NASA and has been used for medical purposes for more than 40 years, so it managed to go through a large number of clinical trials […]

The right way to keep your skin clean and healthy.

The right way to keep your skin clean and healthy. 8

Exfoliation What’s exfoliation? Exfoliating is the process of removing dead skin cells from the surface of your skin using a chemical, granular substance, or exfoliation tool. Today we going talk about, how to perform exfoliation at home, by using beauty- tools. Harmful habits in the field of cosmetology can lie in two planes: either it […]

The health and beauty of your eyes.

The health and beauty of your eyes. 9

Our eyes are not only a source of vision but also a mirror to our soul. Eyes can determine our mood, age and even the quality of our sleep, and level of tiredness. Today we are going to focus on two major issues that we face most often, its wrinkles and black circles around our […]

Three rules on how to prepare your skin for the Springtime.

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Spring is finally here, flowers are blooming and the sun is shining bright. Did you do all the necessary steps on how to prepare your skin for this time? Here are Three Tips on how to take care of your skin in Spring. Rule One: Exfoliate! Exfoliation of the skin is one of the most […]
